QuickFit now allow scheduling workouts on a weekly repeating basis!
This update is all about taking even more thought and effort out of tracking workouts with Google Fit: Set up once when you plan doing your workouts, and then get reminded via a notification to actually do it, and to enter your session into Google Fit. The focus is still on delivering minimal UI that allows the user to get all needed information as fast as possible.
I’m learning Android development, and after hacking on Watchlater for a while, it was time for the first project completely of my own, that should also allow me to try my hand at some framework component that Watchlater simply had no use for. That project lies dormant on my HDD - while it taught me about the support library, material design and all about the service lifecycle, ultimately my goal of writing the IRC client I wanted was doomed from the start. The IRC protocol simply does not allow to identify users persistently, and so my goal of presenting query conversations on the same level as channels was unreachable. So QuickFit is the much better replacement project.
For me, using Google Fit is about logging my activity, looking at the calendar view and seeing a nice, high level and getting my daily pling. So walking and cycling gets tracked nicely automatically, but of course I want to enter my other workouts too. The Google Fit app can do this, but it is a bit of a long process: select the activity from the dropdown (easy, with the favorites), enter a time span, hit submit, get the “activity is in the future” message, go back, decide on some easy-to-enter start time that will work, hit submit again. That should be easier!
There was my perfect excuse for an app that allows me to:
- solve my problem
- try out using the Fit API using the Play Services library
- use some fully featured material design, with pretty RecyclerView and CoordinatorLayout and a FAB
- use Loader, ContentProvider and SyncAdapter
- do some proper persistence with sqlite
- and I have some great plans for the future
Available for free on Google Play, or be a beta tester
Find the source (Apache License 2.0) on GitHub
I’d be happy about feedback by mail, or raise an issue on GitHub.
Watch Later got another update:
- Adds a launcher activity, with explanation, example link for trying out and advice on defaults configuration.
- Adds settings (resetting default youtube account choice).
- Allows setting a default youtube account to always use.
- Deals with changes in YouTube Data API v3 (no more channels returned for accounts without channel).
Available for free on Google Play
Feedback welcome on Reddit
Find the source (GPL) on GitHub
Watch Later got an update:
- User interface improvements
- User can open added video directly for watching
- Bug fixes
- Support for Android 6.0 Marshmallow
Unfortunately, we did not have time yet to get around Android M’s AppLinks-Anti-Feature. There are some ideas, but no time right now.
Available for free on Google Play
Feedback welcome on Reddit
Find the source (GPL) on GitHub
I googled the following things so often that I will be lazy and put them on my site for easier retrieval:
Android debug keystore fingerprint
keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
Android emulator hardware acceleration
emulator -avd <avd_name> -qemu -m 512 -enable-kvm
Android emulator mock GPS location
adb emu geo fix 121.4961236714487 31.24010934431376